
Every world created with a thought is unique. Every writer a different voice. Wishing on a Lucky Star can lift you to unimaginable heights when you have a dream. Here at Lucky Star Publishing we are about supporting the worlds created and helping them grow into the universes they were meant to be. Grab your friends and travel to unknown places and meet exotic people from distant lands.

Our Writers

Meet the writers that are growing our publishing company into a movement for creativity. Get to know C. L. Cannon and how they accidentally created a series that spans over 8 books in the works. Ask questions about some of your favorite characters or strange foods and magical items they came across in their adventures.

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Travel to all new worlds or stay close to home with the ones you know. - C.L.Cannon


Pictures that Inspired

Meet Our Authors

Writing a book is more like carving a path with words, a path that leads you to a place you never knew you could reach. - C.L.Cannon


C. L. Cannon

Secretive and Shy, take a peak at what makes the wheels turn.


New Author

Waiting to be found.


New Author

Lost and wandering.

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